October 18, 2021 to October 21, 2021

2021 Fall Committee On Petroleum Measurement Standards Meeting

Location: Grand Hyatt Nashville, Nashville, Tennessee and Virtual


View Preliminary Program

The 2021 Fall Committee on Petroleum Measurement Standards Meeting (COPM) will be held as a hybrid meeting, October 18-22, 2021, in Nashville, Tennessee. It will be open to anyone who wishes to participate.

Reason for Attending

The Committee on Petroleum Measurement Standards Meeting remains an invaluable opportunity to be a part of how the U.S. petroleum industry develops and maintains state-of-the-art standards. With that in mind, we will host COPM as a hybrid event this Fall.

To ensure that the meetings are open to all who may have a “direct and material interest in the subject of the standard”, we have added virtual participation as a registration option with a registration fee to support the virtual meeting capabilities. This is in accord with our ANSI accredited Procedures for Standards Development, which state the following regarding openness and meeting procedures, emphasis added:

5.2 Due Process
5.2.1 Openness

Participation in API standards activities is open to all parties (persons and organizations) that have a direct and material interest in the subject of a standard.

5.2.2 Balance Overview

API seeks broad input to its standardization activities including the participation of all parties representing interest categories appropriate to the nature of the standard and allows for open attendance at standards meetings.

5.10 Standards Meeting Procedures
5.10.1 General

Committees dealing with standards activities shall meet as needed to conduct their work. Except for those portions of meetings dealing with policy and/or budget issues, standards meetings are open to all interested parties.

Benefits of Participation:

  • Gain access to technical committee meetings covering API standards and best practices used throughout the industry to promote safe and environmentally sound operations.
  • Learn about the latest research and development on measurement techniques and equipment, including future R&D efforts that may benefit your business in the long run.
  • Network with colleagues and establish new business connections.
  • Connect with exhibitors to learn about products, services, and technologies that may be important to your company.
  • Qualify for the chance to win one of two complimentary registrations to the 2022 Spring COPM Meetings during the two networking breaks on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.
  • Earn Professional Development Hours (PDH) to maintain professional certifications.

Virtual attendees will have the same access to meetings, sponsor and exhibitor information, colleagues through the event platform, and will still have a chance to qualify for the complimentary registrations through an in-app game.


Registration (attendees, sponsors, or exhibitors): Brittany Ellis, 202-682-8195, [email protected]

Logistics: Arnetta Smith, 202-682-8149, [email protected]


COPM Committee Information: Kierra Beliveau, 202-682-8565, [email protected]

API Corporate Membership status: Lillie Saunders, 202-682-8475, [email protected]

Program Details

View Preliminary Program

The Committee on Petroleum Measurement, COPM, is responsible for ~180 standards used worldwide for custody transfer operations. The technical subcommittees that report to the COPM are:

  • Committee on Liquid Measurement
  • Committee on Gas Fluid Measurement
  • Committee on Production Measurement & Allocation
  • Committee on Measurement Quality
  • Committee on Measurement Accountability
  • Committee on Evaporative Loss Estimation
  • Committee on Measurement Education & Training

*As not all subcommittees meet during the Measurement meetings, please be sure and check the online program to verify which subcommittees are meeting at this conference.

Who Should Attend

Industry professionals including:

  • Engineers
  • Loss/Control Specialists
  • Sales and Marketing Managers
  • Measurement Specialists
  • Measurement Auditors
  • Chemists

Anyone involved in Petroleum Measurement whose companies are:

  • Oil Producers
  • Transporters
  • Refining and Marketing Firms

Exhibitor Information

Download Shipping Instructions
Please do not ship your items to arrive at the hotel before October 14, 2021.

Exhibitor Opportunities

Opportunity Cost
Exhibit Display Table
(20 table spaces available)
Additional Exhibitor
(Fee includes Welcome breakfasts and general sessions,
reception, and coffee/refreshment breaks only.)

Exhibitor Benefits:

  • A six-foot, tabletop exhibit space near the registration area to for use Monday through Wednesday.
    (Setup 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm)
  • 50% discount on one (1) registration for exhibit table representative.
  • Wi-Fi access in the meeting space.
  • Welcome breakfast on Monday and Tuesday, all coffee/refreshment breaks each day; special networking break, 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm, Monday and Tuesday; and reception on Tuesday evening.
  • An acknowledgement of exhibitors will be included in the app. The exact wording will be at the discretion of API.
  • Your company listed as an exhibitor on the API website with a link to your company’s website.
  • An “Exhibitor” ribbon affixed to badge for easy identification.


Ayalytical Instruments

Emerson Rosemount Tank Gauging



Flow Management Devices, LLC

Jamison Products

Kam Controls, Inc.

Meter Engineers

Omni Flow Computers, Inc.

Quorum Business Solutions, Inc.

Savant Measurement


Grand Hyatt Nashville
1000 Broadway
Nashville, Tennessee 37203

The API room block closed on September 27th. Reservations can no longer be made online. Please contact Abbi Balaka, Reservations Supervisor, at 615-622-4036 ([email protected]), to make reservations. Please reference API so that she knows your reservation is for the Fall COPM Meeting.

Room Rate:
$269 single or double occupancy
Mention the Fall Petroleum Measurement Standards Meeting or Group Code G-APIS, to receive the API group rate.

Reservations questions?
If you need personal assistance, please call 1-800-233-1234 (central reservations). You may also call the hotel directly at 615-622-1234 and ask for in-house reservations if you have difficulty making online reservations or have specific questions.

Room Guarantee and Reservation Cancellation:
A credit card guarantee is required to confirm and hold each reservation. Cancellations must be received by the hotel at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to arrival, and a cancellation number must be obtained, or the card will be charged for the first night’s room rate. Hotel is responsible for informing guests of this requirement. API assumes no responsibility.

Hyatt Hotels is committed to the safety and wellbeing of its guests. Review Hyatt Hotels Global Care and Cleanliness Commitment for details.

Monitor the website for the Grand Hyatt Nashville or contact them directly for ongoing and updated details.

Registration Fees

Registration Fees (in US dollars)

Cancellations, Refunds, and Substitutions: Substitutions may be made at any time by written request to [email protected]. Cancellations and requests for refunds must be made in writing and sent to [email protected] by October 15, 2021. A refund, less a $100 cancellation fee, will be made if notice is received by this date. No refunds given after October 15, 2021.

By October 8 After October 8
API Members
(Your company is a corporate member of API.)
$765 $915
Committee Members
(Active member on a standards committee.)
$800 $950
Non-API Members
(Your company is not a corporate member of API.)
$865 $1,105
One-Day Participants
(You will only participate on one day between October 18-22.)
$450 $600
Virtual Attendance
(For those NOT participating in person)
Virtual Fees
API Members
(Your company is a corporate member of API.)
Committee Members
(Active member on a standards committee.)
Non-API Members
(Your company is not a corporate member of API.)
One-Day Participants
(You will only participate on one day between October 18-22.)

Sponsor a First-Time Attendee

Share your standards expertise with the next generation of oil and natural gas professionals by providing a complimentary registration to a new participant from your company. The cost is complimentary, and your sponsored attendee is welcomed to participate in all COPM meetings, except for executive sessions and members only meetings.

To qualify for this complimentary registration option, you must be a new participant and sponsored by a prior, API standards meeting participant from your same company. If you are sponsoring someone from your company, that person must be registered under your registration record in Cvent at the time you enter your own registration. You may only register two sponsored attendees.

(NOTE: This option is only applicable to first-time attendees who are sponsored. First-time attendees not sponsored pay applicable registration fees.)

Terms of Participation
API standards meetings are open to all interested parties. By participating in these meetings and the standardization process, you agree: (1) to fully comply with API’s policies and procedures governing standards and antitrust concerns, (2) that once balloted and approved by API, API shall have a non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free worldwide license to use any materials submitted by the participant for use in the standard, including creation of any derivative works that will be solely owned by API, (3) you will not provide any material that will violate the rights of any third parties, including, but not limited to, patents, copyrights, trade secrets, and trademarks, (4) not to provide any technical information or other materials that would violate U.S. export control laws, (5) to disclose the existence of any patented technologies in the material that you provide, (6) you will not make audio recordings, video recordings, or take screen shots of API meetings and content without the express written consent of all persons who will be presenting their content, and (7) you must act professionally and comply with your company’s code of conduct at all times.

Attendee Duty of Care 
API recognizes the safety of all of those in-person at the 2021 Fall Committee On Petroleum Measurement Standards Meeting as a top priority.  API is committed to following CDC, local government agencies and the Grand Hyatt Nashville Covid-19 health and safety guidelines for hosting in-person events. Should masks be required indoors by state or local regulation in the place of the event, you must wear a mask while in attendance. Though mask usage is always encouraged, it will not be mandated if not required.

By attending the 2021 Fall Committee On Petroleum Measurement Standards Meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, you agree to comply with all Covid-19 health and safety guidelines adopted by API, that have been recommended by the CDC, local government agencies and the Grand Hyatt Nashville. Your acceptance of the Attendee Duty of Care is a condition of registration and participation in the 2021 Fall Committee On Petroleum Measurement Standards Meeting.